
Starting as an Escape Room Designer: A Guide

Escape rooms have become a popular form of entertainment worldwide, offering immersive experiences where participants solve puzzles to “escape” from a themed room within a set time. As the industry grows, so does the demand for creative and skilled escape room designers.
If you’re considering starting a part-time escape room designer job in India, this guide will walk you through the process from scratch, covering essential details, costs, and skills required.

Escape room designer

Here are the steps to start as a Escape Room Designer in India:

Step 1: Research and Concept Development

Understanding the Market
Market Research: Analyze the local market to understand the demand for escape rooms in your area. Visit existing escape rooms, study their themes, and identify gaps or opportunities for unique concepts.
Target Audience: Determine your target audience (e.g., corporate teams, families, tourists) and tailor your themes and difficulty levels accordingly.

Concept Development
Theme Selection: Choose a theme that appeals to your target audience. Popular themes include mystery, horror, adventure, and sci-fi.
Storyline Creation: Develop a compelling storyline that engages participants and drives the narrative of your escape room.
Puzzle Design: Design puzzles that are challenging yet solvable. Ensure a mix of logic puzzles, physical challenges, and observational tasks.

Step 2: Skills and Training

Essential Skills
Creativity: Strong creative skills to develop unique themes, storylines, and puzzles.
Problem-Solving: Ability to design puzzles that are challenging but fair.
Technical Skills: Basic knowledge of electronics and mechanics for designing interactive puzzles.
Project Management: Organize and manage different aspects of escape room design, from concept to execution.

Training and Resources
Online Courses: Enroll in online courses related to game design, puzzle creation, and storytelling.
Workshops: Attend workshops and seminars on escape room design and related fields.
Books and Articles: Read books and articles on escape room design to gain insights and inspiration.

Step 3: Business Planning

Business ModelFreelance Designer: Offer your services to existing escape room businesses on a project basis.
Part-Time Business: Design and build your own escape rooms while maintaining your primary job.

Financial Planning
Initial Investment: Estimate the initial investment required for materials, tools, and marketing. Typical costs might include:
Concept Development: ₹10,000 – ₹20,000
Materials and Props: ₹50,000 – ₹1,00,000
Electronics and Gadgets: ₹30,000 – ₹70,000
Marketing and Branding: ₹20,000 – ₹50,000

Revenue Streams
Design Fees: Charge a fee for designing escape rooms. Fees can range from ₹50,000 to ₹2,00,000 per project, depending on complexity and scale.
Consultation: Offer consultation services to help new escape room businesses set up their operations.

Step 4: Setting Up Your Workspace

Workspace Requirements
Design Studio: Set up a small design studio at home or rent a small office space.
Tools and Equipment: Acquire necessary tools like power drills, saws, soldering irons, and basic carpentry tools.

Building Prototypes
Test Rooms: Create small-scale prototypes of your escape rooms to test puzzles and themes.
Feedback Loop: Invite friends or family to test your escape rooms and provide feedback for improvement.

Step 5: Marketing and Networking

Building a Portfolio
Website: Create a professional website showcasing your portfolio, services, and contact information.
Social Media: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to showcase your work and connect with potential clients.

Industry Events: Attend industry events, conventions, and meetups to network with escape room owners and enthusiasts.
Partnerships: Partner with local escape room businesses to offer your design services.

Step 6: Legal and Administrative Setup

Legal Requirements
Business Registration: Register your business as a sole proprietorship or partnership based on your business model.
GST Registration: Obtain GST registration if your annual turnover exceeds the threshold limit.
Contracts: Draft clear contracts outlining the scope of work, payment terms, and intellectual property rights.

Administrative Tasks
Accounting: Keep track of your expenses and revenue using accounting software or hiring an accountant.
Client Management: Use project management tools to manage client projects, timelines, and deliverables.

Step 7: Continuous Improvement

Feedback and Improvement
Client Feedback: Collect feedback from clients to improve your services and design processes.
Stay Updated: Keep up with industry trends and continuously update your skills and knowledge.

Expanding Services
New Themes: Regularly introduce new themes and puzzles to keep your offerings fresh and exciting.
Advanced Technology: Incorporate advanced technology like AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) to enhance the escape room experience.


Starting a part-time escape room designer job in India requires a blend of creativity, technical skills, and business acumen. By following this step-by-step guide, you can establish yourself in this exciting field and create immersive experiences that captivate audiences. With careful planning, continuous learning, and a passion for storytelling and puzzle design, you can turn your part-time venture into a successful and fulfilling career.

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